Monday, 12 July 2021

Mindfulness: Does it work?


A client called to check on the mindfulness programs for the leadership team. Having done a few programs for done, I was aware of their company culture. He asked me if these mindfulness programs work or are they kind of a fad. Following is the snippet of our conversation.

Me: What makes you think that mindfulness is a fad?

Client: Wherever I go, I hear people talk about it- be it conferences or boardrooms or meetings.

Me: If you believe, it is a fad, it is. If you don’t believe it is a fad, and know how to make use of mindfulness, it works wonders.

Client: How does it benefit me?

Me: The benefits outweigh far more than you can imagine. Mindfulness covers all aspects of professional and personal life. It improves decision-making, risk-taking ability, productivity, effectiveness, sales, customer management. It also helps to develop empathy, sensitive to customer needs, and understand employees.

Client: How does mindfulness work.

Me: Gaining mindfulness expertise has two aspects: 1. Theoretical, that includes the process and the tools. 2. Functional, which includes the mindfulness process putting into practice.

Client: Looks complex.

Me: Everything at the first looks complex. Once we know how it works, it is an easy thing to do.

Client: Is it expensive?

Me: It is an investment. Remember, it is your mind that you use. And your mind stays with you. So, kind of it is free. Your mind is free to use or you are free to use your mind.

At  first, using mindfulness may take time, later it becomes a part and parcel of your life. It becomes easy provided you know how to use it and make it work. You have to be open. This pandemic has made open the work from home culture. Corporates are embracing it like never before. Earlier people would not have believed that work from home culture could work. Companies are changing the way systems and processes work. The same goes with mindfulness. So be mindful.




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