Monday, 18 December 2017

Frequently Asked Questions on Evaluation (FAQs)

In my training programs, talks, lectures, and consulting assignments. I am asked a lot of questions. I thought to write about the same as FAQs.

Many people start to ask a question by saying “I am asking something silly” or “This is a stupid question I am asking”. I wonder what makes them say that. For me, a question is a question. There is nothing silly or stupid about it. A person asks because he wants to know something.

Q. Is it worth the investing in evaluation?  
Ans. That is a call a company needs to take. For eg. If you are spending $ 80000 for a training program, isn’t it worth spending $ 10000 on the evaluation? At least here you would know if you want to make investments in future.

Q. What are the benefits of evaluation?  
  • Evaluation has plenty of benefits such as
  • Reduce costs, increases revenue, saves time
  • Makes everyone in the company accountable
  • Training becomes a serious business
  • All the programs, policies and processes are aligned with business measures
  • The probability of things going wrong reduces
  • Makes the vendors accountable
  • SOPs are streamlined
  • Evaluation earns a person seat in the board room
  • We no more do work on feel-good factor. Our work is based on data that is tried and tested
  • Budgets are easier to get sanctioned

 Q. Do we need to know statistics to conduct an evaluation study?
Ans. We do not need to know advanced statistics, but good to know basic statistics that include measures of central tendency.

Q. Do we need to wait long (three months to one year) to complete the evaluation? We do not have that much time.
Ans. Evaluation is a process. Any process to implement and see the value takes a minimum of three months. We suggest a time period of at least six months.

Q. Is a pilot test essential?  
Ans. Experience shows that pilot testing a program is always beneficial. Especially for high-value programs. Eg. If you want to invest $50000, it is better to check the pilot and forecast if it is worth investing in the program.

Q. Evaluation is time-consuming  
Ans. How and where one wants to invest time is subjective. It is better to invest time in evaluation rather than repent on the amount, efforts and time spent on programs that give no ROI.

Q. Are companies investing in evaluation on programs?
Ans. Yes, The major industry that does evaluation is the Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and departments under corporate social responsibility (CSR). Other companies investing in the evaluation are those which are data-driven companies. Where accountability and measurement is the culture and the HR are willing to take risks, show accountability and have a say in the decision making. However, the trend shows that now HR and L&D departments are getting serious and want to show value for money.

Q. Can soft skills, behavior be measured?  
Ans. Majority of the things can be measured provided we intend to measure and we know how to measure.
Three things are vital
  •          Operational definition of the concept to be measured  
  •          Measures that are linked to the business needs
  •          Data availability
  •      Various tools, techniques, and softwares on measurements are available.

Q. Is it really possible to measure anything?   
Ans. Yes, our entire world is governed by measurements. Some measurements are available, some are derived.
Eg.  Crossing the road: We take the distance and make certain assumptions about the speed of the car before we cross the road. Our brain is complex and is capable of processing information at a speed with a multiplier effect. The brain processes the information so fast that everything is governed at the subconscious level and we act consciously. All the actions that we do are based on measurements whether it is the force, speed or time.

Q. Is learning EXCEL enough to conduct evaluation study?   
Ans. Yes, Excel is enough for fewer data. For larger data, knowledge of ‘SPSS’ or ‘R’ is needed. 

For any questions do write to me (

With Gratitude

Sonali Wagle

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