Thursday 21 May 2015

We All Have Choices...

Dear Friends

Today I thought of taking a break from my regular writing on ROI blogs...One of my colleague suggested me to write on 'choices' people have....


That is what we all hear ....The list is endless
  1. Boss never listens. He is biased.
  2. I am broke.
  3. Too much of traffic every where.
  4. Now-a-days children are not bothered.
  5. Train is always late.
  6. Flights are always delayed.
  7. It is very hot....
So on and so forth endless complaints...

In my coaching sessions when the audinece complaints about something...I remind them that they have a CHOICE.

"Choice, how do I have a choice?" they ask. "I have no choice if my boss doesn't listen".

Ofcourse you have..provided you know you have one. Best thing if you really donot like your boss or like the company, you have a choice to  leave that company. Remember the similar situation may repeat in other companies better exercise your choices.

So what are the choices we have


Situation                                                                                      Choice
  1. Boss never listens. He is biased.               To leave the company, can you?
  2. I am broke.                                                Explore possibilities to earn more, can  you?               
  3. Too much of traffic every where.              Go and stay where traffic is less, can you?
  4. Now-a-days children are not bothered.     Live your own life not of children, can you?       
  5. Train is always late.                                   Atleast you have resources. Catch the next                                                                                    train, can you?
  6. Flights are always delayed.                       Explore the airport, read something, talk                                                                                        to fellow passengers. Atleast you have                                                                                            resources which you can use, can you?
  7. How hot it is....                                          Go and stay in cold climate...can you? We                                                                                     are responsible for global warming.

So instead of being dragged in the negativity of emotions such as complaint, get angry, frustrated, blame others, irritated, jealous, worry, tension, resentment, guilt, judgemental, greed, helplessness, and getting stressed, why not go with the flow and explore the possibilities of CHOICES...and be 100% responsible for our life...

Are you willing to explore???


Tuesday 12 May 2015

Will You Pay to be A Speaker?

Dear Friends

A couple of days back I received a call from the CLO summit organizers. A CLO summit is going to be held in Mumbai in the month of September 2015.

The lady on the phone informed me that they would love me to be their speaker on ROI subject provided,  I SPONSOR OR PAY to SPEAK. She also mentioned that this is a good way of marketing yourself (when I had not asked).

Pay? I was shocked. I was aware that people pay to get speaking opportunity, but I least expected to get a call from them. Especially when I did not even apply for a paid opportunity.

Though I was very happy that ROI is been considered as a topic for the summit, I equally was disappointed for this pay to speak opportunity. She further stated that 90% people who speak in the summit are from corporates are invited guest speakers, and the remaining 10% were from consulting experience who are generally paid speakers.

And because I came from consulting background I need to pay. I am sure many would be willing to take this opportunity.

Of course! I politely declined.

The mere thought that I need to pay to share my knowledge and expertise in the ROI subject especially for the CLO summit was not acceptable to me.

I realized a couple of things when you are asking for sponsorship

1.  Are we really interested in sharing knowledge or we just want to market ourselves.
2.  I would have been more than happy to share my knowledge had they invited me as a guest speaker.
3.  Inspite of this being a CLO summit, though it is the need of the hour, ROI is still neglected issue.
4.  Are these summits a marketing platforms instead of knowledge sharing and HR people meeting and learning from each other.

Yes everyone has a choice and I choose mine.

What would have been your choice...

Do write your comments on
